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Professor Richard T Griffiths Curriculum Vitae


Current Positions

Director VirtualMuseum360

Research Fellow, International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden. Directing New Silk Roads project



Born 7 April 1948 Isleworth, Middlesex, UK (British and Dutch Citizen)


1952-59 St Mary’s RC Primary School, Isleworth

1959-66 Gunnersbury RC Grammar School, Chiswick

1966-67 Statistics Clerk, Hackbridge Faraday Ltd., Chiswick

1967-70 Undergraduate, University College Swansea

1968 Honorary College Scholarship, Faculty of Social Sciences

1970 B.Sc (Econ) Economic History and Russian Studies (summa cum laude)

1970-1973 Post-Graduate, Jesus College, Cambridge

1977 PhD (Cantab) Thesis Industrial Retardation in the Netherlands 1830-1850 (Supervisor Prof Charles Wilson)


Main Professional Appointments


1973-1979 Lecturer (Assistant Professor) European Studies, University of Manchester Institute for Science and Technology (UMIST)

1980-1987 Full Professor Economic and Social History, Free University, Amsterdam

Head of History Department (1986-1987)

1987-1995 Full Professor (A3) Contemporary History, European University Institute, Florence.

Director Research Project The History of European Integration

Head of History Department (1989-90, 1993-1995)

1995- 2013 Full Professor Economic and Social History, Leiden University

Head of History Department (1998-2000)

Head of “Praktijk Studies, Letteren” including EU Studies (2001-2011)

Creator of and Director MA European Union Studies (2004-2011)

Creator of BA International Studies (2010-2015)

2013-2015 Full Professor International Studies, Leiden University

2015-2018 Innovation Fellow. Centre for Innovation, Leiden University (Hague Campus)

2018- Research Fellow, Director New Silk Roads programme, International Institute for Asian Studies


Other Appointments


January 1981 Visiting Professor, KU, Leuven, Belgium

December 1996, Visiting Professor, University Aalborg, Denmark

1997-2015, Visiting Professor, Centre for European Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

1997-1999 Visiting Professor, University of Evora, Portugal

2003-2006 Visiting Professor, Bilgi University, Istanbul, Turkey

2006-2008 Lead professor in establishing a Silk Roads European Studies Centre between universities in Xinjiang, Lanzhou and Xi’an, China

2013, 2014, 2015 Lecturer in International Summer School, Renmin University, Beijing

May-June 2016 Visiting Scholar, Centre for European Studies, Victoria University, Vancouver, Canada

July 2016, 2019 Lecturer International Summer School, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China

July 2019, 2020, 2022 Lecturer International Summer School, Shandong University, Jinan China

2019 Member of the BRI Horizon Scanning Team

2017-2020 Member of the Foreign Expert Committee of the International Studies Centre of the Peoples’ Daily


On-line Teaching: MOOCs (with Coursera)


September 2014, March 2015, September 2015. Configuring the World

February 2016-2019: On demand Project-based Course Be Persuasive. How to write a Position Paper and Policy Advice. (4 week online course)

March 2016. Winner of Coursera’s Outstanding Educator Award for Innovation.

2016-Present. The Political Economy of Institutions and Development (6 week on-line course).

October 17-20 2018. Global Human Rights teach-out (4-day continuous teach-out)







Industrial Retardation in the Netherlands, 1830‑1850, The Hague, 1979.

Achterlijk, Achter of Anders? Aspecten van de economische ontwikkeling van Nederland in de 19e eeuw, Amsterdam, 1980.

(with J.L. van Zanden) De economische geschiedenis van Nederland in de twintigste eeuw 1920‑1985, Utrecht, 1989.

Europe’s First Constitution: The European Political Union, 1952-1954, London, 2000.

(with V. Sergeev) Экономическая реконструкция: сравнение послевоенной Европы и постсоветской России, Moscow, 2003. (Economic Reconstruction: A Comparison of Post-war Europe and Post-Soviet Russia)

‘Thank-you M Monnet’. Essays on the history of European Integration, LUP, Leiden, 2014.

Configuring the World. A critical Political Economy approach, HIPE, Leiden 2016.

Revitalising the Silk Road. China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Leiden, 2017.

The New Silk Road. Challenge and Response, Leiden, 2019.

The Maritime Silk Road. China’s Belt and Road at Sea, Leiden, 2020.

(with M. Broad) Great Britain, the Division of Europe and the Creation of EFTA, 1955-1963, London, 2022


Edited Books

Government, Business and Labour in European Capitalism, London, 1977.

The Economy and Politics of the Netherlands since 1945, The Hague, 1980.

(with H.W. von der Dunk et al.) Wederopbouw, welvaart en onrust. Nederland in de jaren vijftig en zestig, Houten, 1986.

The Netherlands and the Gold Standard, 1931‑1936: A Study in Policy Formation and Policy, Amsterdam, 1987.

The Netherlands and the Integration of Europe, 1945‑1957, Amsterdam, 1990.

Socialist Parties and the Question of Europe in the 1950’s, Leiden, 1993.

The Green Pool and the Origins of the Common Agricultural Policy, London, 1995.

(with S. Ward) Courting the Common Market: The First Attempt to Enlarge the European Community and the French Veto, 1961-1963, London, 1996.

Explorations in OEEC History, Paris, 1997.

(with P.A. Schregardus, G.J. Telkamp and L.W.M. Timmermans) Van strohalm tot strategie: het Marshall-plan in perspectief, Assen, 1997.

The Economic Development of the EEC, London, 1997.

(with D. Brinkley) John F. Kennedy and Europe, Baton Rouge, 1999.

(with T. Tachibanaki) From Austerity to Affluence: The Transformation of the Socio-Economic Structure of Western Europe and Japan, Macmillan, London, 2000.

(with W. Asbeek Brusse and J. Bouma) De toekomst van het Europese Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid. Actuele vraagstukken en perspectieven voor Nederland, Utrecht, 2002.

(with W. Asbeek Brusse and D. Broeders) Immigratie en asiel in Europa. Een lange weg naar gemeenschappelijkheid?, Utrecht, 2004.

(with D. Özdemir) Turkije in Europa. Turkije en Lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie, Utrecht, 2004. English edition with Bilgi University Press, Istanbul, 2004.

(with M. Wiesebron) Processos de integração regional e cooperação intercontintental desda 1989, Posto Alegre, 2008.

(with A.C. Hughes) In the Way of the Road. The ecological consequences of infrastructure, Leiden, 2021.

China and the Ports of the Indian Ocean, Leiden, December, 2022


Articles, Contributions to Books etc.

‘De Nederlandse Handel Maatschappij en calicotweverijen in 1847’, Textielhistorische Bijdragen, 14 (1972): 80‑100.

‘Iets meer over de Haarlemse Katoenfabrieken’, Textielhistorische Bijdragen, 15 (1973): 38‑58.

‘Introduction’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), Government, Business and Labour in European Capitalism, London, 1977, 13‑22.

‘Techniques of Macro‑economic management in the Netherlands’ in ibidem, 135‑151.

‘Eyewitness at the Birth of the Dutch Cotton Industry, 1832‑1839’, Economisch‑ en Sociaal‑Historisch Jaarboek, 40 (1977): 113‑181.

‘The Role of Taxation in Wage Formulation in the Dutch Economy in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century’ in Ondernemende Geschiedenis; 22 opstellen bij het afscheid van Mr. H. van Riel als voorzitter van de vereniging Het Nederlandsch Economisch Historisch Archief, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1977, 260‑271.

‘The Netherlands Central Planning Bureau’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Economy and Politics of the Netherlands since 1945, The Hague, 1979, 135‑161.

‘The Netherlands and the European Communities’, ibidem, 277‑303. Also published in C. and K.J. Twitchett (eds.), Building Europe: Britain’s Partners in the EEC, London, 1981, 119‑144.

‘Ambacht en Nijverheid in de Noordelijke Nederlanden, 1770‑1844’ in Algemene Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, vol. 10, Haarlem, 1981, 219‑252, 495‑496.

‘The Creation of a National Dutch Economy, 1795‑1909’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 95, 4 (1982): 513‑537.

with J.M.M. de Meere, ‘The Growth of the Dutch Economy in the Nineteenth Century – Back to Basics?’, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 96, 4 (1983): 563‑572.

‘Economic Reconstruction Policy in the Netherlands and its International Consequences, May 1945 – March 1951’, EUI Working Paper no. 76, European University Institute, San Domenico (Firenze), 1984.

with F.M.B. Lynch, ‘L’échec de la ‘Petite Europe’? Les négoçiations Fritalux/Finebel, 1949‑1950’, Revue historique, 274 (1985): 159‑193.

‘Het Nederlandse economische wonder’ in H. von der Dunk et al. Wederopbouw, welvaart en onrust. Nederland in de jaren vijftig en zestig, De Haan, Houten 1986, 147‑167, 180‑181. Also published in Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 101, 1 (1986): 95‑109. English version in J.L. van Zanden (ed.), The Economic Development of the Netherlands since 1870, Cheltenham, 1996, 173-186.

‘Enkele kanttekeningen bij de eerste industrialisatie nota’s van Dr. J.R.M. van den Brink’, Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 101, 1 (1986): 110‑117, 128.

with J.I. Israel and M.J. Wintle, ‘Select Bibliography of Works in English on the Economic History of the Netherlands from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century’, Dutch Crossing: A Journal of Low Country Studies, 30 (1986): 112‑127.

with A.S. Milward, ‘The Beyen Plan and the European Political Community’ in W. Maihofer (ed.), Noi si mura: Selected Working Papers of the European University Institute, European University Institute, Florence, 1986, 595‑621.

‘Economy and Politics’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Netherlands and the Gold Standard 1931‑1936: A Study in Policy Formation and Policy, Amsterdam, 1987, 1‑18.

‘The Policy‑Makers’, ibidem, 165‑192.

with M.E. de Vries, ‘The Agricultural Lobby’, ibidem, 47‑62.

with E. Schoorl, ‘The Single‑Issue Pressure Groups’, ibidem, 139‑164.

‘De eerste fase van de Westeuropese eenwording’ in T.P.W.M. van der Krogt et al. (eds.), Big Is Beautiful? Schaalproblemen in de overheid en samenleving, VUGA, The Hague 1987, 435‑453.

‘De economische ontwikkeling van industrieel Europa’ in F. van Besouw et al. (eds.), Balans en perspectief. Visies op de geschiedwetenschap in Nederland, Groningen, 1987, 147‑165.

‘The Schuman Plan Negotiations: The Economic Clauses’ in K. Schwabe (ed.), Die Anfänge des Schumanplanes 1950/51: The Beginnings of the Schuman Plan, Baden‑Baden 1988, 35‑71. Reprinted in B. Eichengreen (ed.), The Reconstruction of the International Economy, 1945-1960, Cheltenham, 1996, 435-471.

‘The Abortive Dutch Assault on European Tariffs, 1950‑52’ in M. Wintle (ed.), Modern Dutch Studies: Essays in Honour of Peter King, London 1988, 186‑208.

with F.M.B. Lynch, ‘L’échec de la “Petite Europe”? Le Conseil Tripartite, 1944‑1948’, Guerres mondiales et conflits contemporains, 252 (1988): 39‑62.

with J.J. Seegers, ‘Spreken(‑de) Cijfers? Een beschouwing en vergelijking van het nationaal inkomen in de prestatistische periode’, N.E.H.A. Bulletin (1988): 67‑76.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘The Dutch Cabinet and the Rome Treaties’ in E. Serra (ed.), Il Rilancio dell’Europa e i trattati di Roma, Milan 1989, 461‑493.

‘The Stranglehold of Bilateralism’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Netherlands and the Integration of Europe 1945‑1957, Amsterdam, 1990, 1‑26.

‘The Mansholt Plan’, ibidem, 93‑112.

‘The Schuman Plan’, ibidem, 113‑135.

‘The Beyen Plan’, ibidem, 165‑182. Reprinted in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Economic Development of the EEC, London, 123-140.

‘The Common Market’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Netherlands and the Integration of Europe 1945‑1957, Amsterdam, 1990 183‑208. Reprinted in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Economic Development of the EEC, London, 183-226.

‘Die Benelux Staaten und die EGKS’ in L. Herbst et al. (eds.), Vom Marshall‑Plan zur EWG. Die Eingliederung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in die Westliche Welt, Munich 1990, 263‑278.

‘The Exploitation of the Dutch Economy 1940‑1945’ in J.P.G. Jonker et al. (eds.), Vijftig jaar na de inval. Geschiedsschrijving en tweede wereldoorlog, The Hague 1990, 115‑124, 212‑213.

‘Macro‑economic Planning in the Netherlands (1945‑1958)’ in E. Aerts and A.S. Milward (eds.), Economic Planning in the Post‑1945 Period, Leuven, 1990, 52‑60.

‘A la recherche des débuts de l’intégration européenne’, Revue de synthèse IV, 3 (1990): 235‑252.

‘La Dinamica delle Inertia Politica. La partecipazione ed il ritiro del Regno Unito nella confernza Spaak, 1955‑1956’ in E. Decleva and A. Magliazza (eds.), Diplomazia e storia delle relazioni internazionali. Studi in onore di Enrico Serra, Milan, 1991, 677‑697.

‘De economische achtergronden van de Europese integratie 1945‑1957’ in W.A.F. Camphuis and C. Wilderboer Schut (eds.), Europese eenwording in historische perspectief, Zaltbommel, 1991, 206-222.

‘Between Market and Planning: The Origins of Indicative Planning in the Netherlands 1945‑1951’ in H. Lademacher and J. Bosmans (eds.), Tradition und Neugestaltung. Zu Fragen des Wiederaufbaus in Deutschland und den Niederlanden in der fruehen Nachkriegzeit, Munster, 1991, 121-157.

‘The Changing Concept of Europe’, EFTA Bulletin 1/91 (1991): 2‑5.

‘The British Attitude towards European Integration’, EFTA Bulletin 2/91 (1991): 17‑22.

‘The Failure of the Wider Free Trade Area’, EFTA Bulletin 3/91 (1991): 15-20.

with W. Fritschy, ‘Il bloco continentale: il caso dei Paesi Bassi’ in E. Castelnuovo and V. Castronovo (eds.), Europa 1700-1992. L’età delle rivoluzioni, Milan, 1991, 237-244.

‘The Importance of Fish for the Creation of EFTA’, EFTA Bulletin 1/92 (1992): 34-40.

‘Free Traders in a Protectionist World: The Foreign Economic Relations of the Netherlands 1930‑1950’ in S. Groenveld and M. Wintle (eds.), State and Trade: Government and the Economy in Britain and the Netherlands since the Middle Ages, vol. 10 of Britain and the Netherlands, Zutphen, 1992, 152-168.

‘De Benelux Landen en het Schuman Plan’ in E.S.A. Bloemen (ed.), Het Benelux-effect. Belgie, Nederland en Luxembourg en de Europese integratie, 1945-1957, Amsterdam, 1992, 71-88.

with D. Barbezat, ‘The European Integration Experience’ in Global Coalition for Africa, Commission of the European Community and European University Institute, Workshop on the Promotion of Regional Cooperation and Integration in Sub-Saharan Africa, Brussels, 1992, 85-101. (Also in French)

‘European Utopia or Capitalist Trap? The Socialist International and European Unity’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), Socialist Parties and the Question of Europe in the 1950’s, Leiden, 1993, 9-25.

with D. Barbezat, ‘Западноевропейското възстановяване и уроците за България’ (Western European Recovery and the Lessons for Bulgaria)  in I. Petkova (ed.), Проблемът за отношенията между България и Европейската общност (The Problem of the Relations between Bulgaria and the European Community),  Bucharest 1993, 5-26.

‘共同农业政策的起源’ (The Origins of the Common Agricultural Policy) in J. Cheng, 欧洲共同体共同农业政策 (The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Community) Nanking, 1994, 1-33.

‘Die deutsch‑französische Achse und der Ursprung der europäischen Integration’ in Historicum (Spring 1994): 18-23.

‘Europe’s First Constitution: The European Political Community, 1952-1954’ in S. Martin (ed.), The Construction of Europe: Essays in Honour of Emile Noël, Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1994, 19-39.

‘Op weg naar Europese economische integratie’ in J.J. van Dijk and E. Heres (eds.), Werken aan Europa, Kampen, 1994, 15-22.

‘Agricultural Pressure Groups and the Origins of the Common Agricultural Policy’ in The European Review, 3, 3 (1995 ): 233-242.

‘The European Integration Experience, 1945-1958’ in K. Middlemas, Orchestrating Europe: The Informal Politics of the European Union, 1973-95, London, 1995, 1-36, 699-702.

‘The European Integration Experience, 1958-1973’ in ibidem, 37-70, 702-705.

‘The Dynamics and Stages of European Integration, 1945-1995’ in European Union, Southern-African Development Community, Seminar on the Regional Integration Process, Brussels and Paris, 12-15 June 1995, Caen, 1995, 65-84.

‘The National and International Ramifications of Post-war Reconstruction’ in T.B. Olesen (ed.), Interdependence versus Integration: Denmark, Scandinavia and Western Europe, 1949-1960, Odense, 1995, 24-39.

‘The United Kingdom and the Free Trade Area: A Post Mortem’ in ibidem, 167-181.

‘The Green Pool Negotiations, 1953-1955’ in R.T. Griffiths and B. Girvin (eds.), The Green Pool and the Origins of the Common Agricultural Policy, 1950-1955, London, 1995, 21-50.

with B. Girvin, ‘The Origins of the Common Agricultural Policy’ in ibid, vi-xl.

with F. Guirao, ‘The First Proposals for a European Agricultural Community: The Pflimlin and Mansholt Plans’ in ibid, 1-20.

with H.O. Pharo, ‘Small States and European Integration – Literature Survey and Analysis’, ARENA Working Paper no. 19, Oslo, 1995.

‘Desenvolvimento Agricola e Comércio Agricola, 1945-1973’ in Portugal e a Europa, 50 anos de integraçao, Lisbon, 1996, 143-163. Translation (plus notes) printed in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Economic Development of the EEC, London, 350-364.

with Y. Alkema, ‘Hollowing-out in the Past: Historical Parallels: The Dutch Republic (1670-1790) and the United Kingdom (1850-1970)’, EXIM Review, 16, 1 (1996): 67-99.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘“L’European Recovery Program” e i cartelli: una indagine preliminare’, Studi Storici, 37, 1 (1996): 41-68.

with E.S.A. Bloemen, ‘La storia industriale dell’Olanda nel XIX e nel XX secolo’ in A. Giuntini (ed.), Memoria di un Mondo che Scompare. Un builancio storiografico sull’avvento, gli sviluppi e il diclino dell’industria meccanizzata in tredici paesi della rivoluzione industriale a oggi, Bari, 1996, 167-188.

with B. Lie ‘Portugal e a EFTA, 1959-1973’ in Portugal e a Europa, 50 anos de integraçao, Lisbon, 1996, 185-206.

with D.-J. Noordam ‘De overheid en de economische en sociale ontwikkelingen van 1780 tot 1830’ in W. Fritschy and J. Toebes (eds.), Het ontstaan van het moderne Nederland. Staatsvorming en natievorming tussen 1780 en 1830, Nijmegen, 1996, 157-184.

with S. Ward, ‘“The End of a Thousand Years of History”: The Origins of Britain’s Decision to Join the European Community, 1955-61’ in R.T. Griffiths and S. Ward, Courting the Common Market: The First Attempt to Enlarge the European Community and the French Veto, 1961-1963, London, 1996, 7-37.

‘“An Act of Creative Leadership”: The End of the OEEC and the Birth of the OECD’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), Explorations in OEEC History, Paris, 1997, 235-256.

‘Het jaar 1947’ [‘The Year 1947’] in R.T. Griffiths et al. (eds.), Van strohalm tot strategie: het Marshall-plan in perspectief, Van Gorcum, Assen, 1997, 5-15.

‘Het Marshall-Plan: kan de geschiedenis ons nog iets leren?’ in ibid, 123-134.

‘How Should We Look at Marshall Aid?’ in H. Labohm, The Fiftieth Anniversary of the Marshall Plan in Retrospect and in Prospect, Clingendael, 1997, 15-17.

‘A Slow One Hundred and Eighty Degree Turn: British Policy towards the Common Market, 1955-1960’ in G. Wilkes (ed.), Britain’s Failure to Enter the European Community, 1961-63: The Enlargement Negotiations and the Crises in European, Atlantic and Commonwealth Relations, London, 1997, 35-50.

‘The Creation of Europe’s Supranational Institutions, 1945-1958’ in K. E. Jørgensen (ed.), Reflective Approaches to European Governance, London, 1997, 87-106.

‘The Economic Development of the EEC’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), The Economic Development of the EEC, London, 1997, xii-xxii.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘Exploring the OEEC’s Past: The Potentials and Sources’ in R.T. Griffiths (ed.), Explorations in OEEC History, Paris, 1997, 15-32.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘The Management of Markets: Business, Governments and Cartels in Post-war Europe’ in U. Olsson (ed.), Business and European Integration since 1800: Regional, National and International Perspectives, Göteborg, 1997, 162-188.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘Early Cartel Legislation and Cartel Policy in the Netherlands. In Memoriam: The Economic Competition Act (1956-1997)’ in Acta Politica, 32, 4 (1997): 375-405.

‘De institutionele benadering van de Marshall-hulp’ in Het Marshall Plan in hedendaags perspectief, Atlantisch Onderwijs Paper 17, 1997, 14-25.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘The Incidence of International Manufacturing Cartels in Post-war Europe’ in C. Morelli (ed.), Cartels and Market Management in the Post-war World, LSE Business History Unit Occassional Paper, 1997/1, 78-117.

‘In Search of Renewal: Contemporary Economic History at a Juncture’ in Lars Herlitz (ed.), Mellon φkonomi og Historie, Aalborg 1998, 11-27.

‘“Dank U mijnheer Monnet; Ik zal er voor zorgen.” Enige contrafactuele beschouwingen over het oprichten van organisaties en de oorsprong van de Europese integra­tie’ in M.P. Bossenbroek, M.E.H.N. Mout and C. Musterd (eds.), Met de Franse Slag. Opstellen voor H.L. Wesseling, Leiden, 1998, 107-122. Also in Thai in Journal of European Studies (Chulalongkorn University), 6, 1 (1998): 81-99.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘‘Paradise Lost or Paradise Regained?’ Cartel Policy and Cartel Legislation in the Netherlands’ in S. Martin (ed.), Competition Policy in Europe, Amsterdam, 1998, 15-39.

‘Verloren toekomsten. Economische voorspellingen sinds de Tweede Wereldoorlog’ in Internationale Spectator, 53, 1 (1999): 12-17.

‘“Two Souls, One Thought”? The EEC, the USA and the Management of the International Monetary System’ in D. Brinkley and R.T. Griffiths (eds.), John F. Kennedy and Europe, Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 1999, 189-211.

with T. Tachibanaki, ‘From Austerity to Affluence: The Turning-point in Modern Societies’ in R. T. Griffiths and T. Tachibanaki (eds.), From Austerity to Affluence: The Transformation of the Socio-Economic Structure of Western Europe and Japan, Macmillan, London, 2000, 1-24.

‘Economic Growth and Overfull Employment in Western Europe’ in ibidem, 60-81.

‘Nice: Another Step Forward?’ The Parliament, December 2000.

‘Reflections after Another IGC: Was There Ever an Alternative?’ The Parliament, January 2001.

‘Reflections on the History of European IGCs’ in Martyn Bond and Kim Feus (eds.), The Treaty of Nice Explained, London, 2001, 57-74. Also published in slightly revised form as ‘Failure or Success? Reflections on the History of IGCs, 1951-2001’, Leidschrift, 19, 1 (2004).

‘Stalin’s Modernisation’, Kleio, 8 (2001): 9-13.

with J. de Jong, ‘De maat genomen: de Nederlandse economie in de 19e eeuw’, BMGN, 117, 3 (2002): 352-363.

with E.S.A. Bloemen, ‘Resisting Revolution in the Netherlands’ in D. Barjot (ed.). Catching up with America: Productivity Missions and the Diffusion of American Economic and Technological Influence after the Second World War, Paris, 2002, 113-121.

‘The Foundations of European Integration’, Polis, 4/2002 (2002): 135-145. (In Russian)

‘Waarom kunnen wij het GLB niet hervormen?’ in W. Asbeek Brusse et al., De Toekomst van het Europese Gemeenschappelijk Landbouwbeleid, Utrecht, 2002, 49-62.

with W. Asbeek Brusse and J. Bouma, ‘Inleiding’ and ‘Besluit’ in ibidem, 11-13 and 155-164.

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘Europees landbouwbeleid op de helling? Anatomie van beleidsinertie en hervormingsdruk’ Openbaar Bestuur (June/July 2003).

with W. Asbeek Brusse, ‘De poreuze muren van het Fort Europa. De EU en de illegale grensmigratie’ in W. Asbeek Brusse, D. Broeders and R.T. Griffiths (eds.), Immigratie en asiel in Europa. Een lange weg naar gemeenschappelijkheid, Utrecht, 2004, 81-100.

‘Turks lidmaatschap: implicaties voor het EU-begrooting’ in R.T. Griffiths and D. Özdemir (eds.) Turkije in Europa. Turkije en Lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie, Utrecht, 2004, 177-192. Also in English in R.T. Griffiths and D. Özdemir (eds.), Turkey and the European Enlargement: Processes of Incorporation, Istanbul, 2004, 171-188.

(with W. Asbeek Brusse) ‘Goede bedoelingen en onuitgesproken motieven. De relaties tussen de EU en Turkije in historisch perspectief’ in R.T. Griffiths and D. Özdemir (eds.), Turkije in Europa. Turkije en Lidmaatschap van de Europese Unie, Utrecht, 2004, 21-32. Also in English R.T. Griffiths and D. Özdemir (eds.), Turkey and the European Enlargement: Processes of Incorporation, Istanbul, 2004, 13-27.

‘EU Studies in European and in ASEAN Universities’ in Proceedings: First Asean-EU Rectors’ Conference: Higher Education and Sustainable Development, Kuala Lumpur, 2004, 77-82.

with Ida Petter, Financiële euroscepsis in Nederland’ in B. Boer and H. Vollaard (eds.), Euroscepsis in Nederland, Utrecht, 2005, 45-69.

‘‘A Dismal Decade?’ European Integration in the 1970s’ in D. Dinan (ed.), Origins and Evolution of the European Union, Oxford, 2006, 169-190.

with G.C. Quispel, ‘When Borders Move: An agenda for Historical Research’, EuroLimes, 1, 1 (2006): 34-45.

‘Waarom is het gemeenschappelijke landbouwbeleid totstandgekomen?’ in G. Verburg et al. Vijftig jaar verdrag van Rome. De betekenis van landbouw voor één Europa, Den Haag, 2007, 14-20.

‘Os Círculos Concêntricos do Regime Comercial da União Européia de 1989 até os dias de hoje’ in M. Wiesebron and R.T Griffiths (eds.), Processos de integração regional e cooperação intercontintental desda 1989, Posto Alegre, 2008, 109-129.

‘European Identities’ in Ma Xiaoqiang and G. Ying (eds.), The European Integration and the Sustainable Development of Northwest China, Xi’an, 2008, 3-16.

‘Development Aid: Some Reference Points for Historical Research’ in H. Pharo and M. Pohle (eds.), The Aid Rush: Aid Regimes in Northern Europe during the Cold War, Olso, 2008.

‘The Landscape of European Studies in European Universities’ in M. Holland, S. Jora and P. Ryan (eds.), The Future of European Studies in Asia, Singapore, 2008.

‘The Development of Development Economics’ in M. Dierikx, Diplomacy and Development: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Editors of Diplomatic Documents,The Hague, 2010, 9-22.

‘The Origins of EFTA’ in K. Bryn and G. Einarsson (eds.), EFTA 1960-2010: Elements of 50 Years of European History, University of Iceland Press, Reykjavik, 2010, 43-60

‘EFTA and European Integration, 1973-1994: Vindication and Marginalisation’ in K. Bryn and G. Einarsson (eds.), EFTA 1960-2010: Elements of 50 Years of European History, Reykjavik, 2010, 145-158.

‘The Founding Fathers’ in E. Jones, A. Menon and S. Weatherill (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the European Union, Oxford, 2012, 181-192.

‘The Lessons from the Euro Crisis’, Austral: Brazilian Journal of Security and International Relations, 1, 2 (2012): 15-34.

“Under the Shadow of Stagflation: European Integration in the 1970s” in D. Dinan (ed.), Origins and Evolution of the European Union, Oxford, 2014 (2nd ed)

“The Merchant, the Missionary and (for six months) the President of the EU. The Netherlands policy towards China” in X. Song e.a. (eds) Forty Years of EU-China Relations: New Strategic Partnership, Beijing, 2015.

‘Revitalising the Silk Road. EU-China Relations under the Dutch Presidency’ in B. Steunenburg, W. Voermans and S. van den Bogaert (eds) Fit for the Future? Reflections from Leiden on the Functioning of the EU, The Hague, 2016, 311-333.

‘One Belt, One Road’ as a Development Strategy’ in D. Lane and G. Zhu, Changing Regional Alliances for China and the West, 2017, 47-63.

(with A.C. Hughes and 17 others) ‘Horizon Scan of the Belt and Road Initiative’ in Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35, 7, 2020, 583-593

‘The European Defence Community’, Oxford Encyclopedia of European Politics (May 2020)

‘Where the Grass is Greener. Bulgaria’s Infrastructure and China’s BRI’ in Alexander Alexiev and Pawel Zygadlo (eds.) China and the World: Language, Culture, Politics. Volume 1, Sofia, 2020, 57-70.

(with A.C. Hughes) ‘In the Way of the Road. Infrastructure and its Consequences’ in R.T. Griffiths and A.C. Hughes (eds) In the Way of the Road. The ecological consequences of infrastructure, Leiden, 2021, 13-35.

‘Ports: Infrastructure at the Edge’, Ibidem, 200-228, 300-303.

‘Copping out of Climate Change’, IIAS Newsletter, 91, 2022, 8-9.

‘Greening the Ungreenable: The Prospects for Deep-sea Mining’, IIAS Newsletter, 93, 2022, 46.

‘Trade: The Ancient Silk Roads’ in I. Duyvesteyn and A.M. van der Wal, World History for International Studies, Leiden, 2022, 61-79.

‘Introduction’ (xxi-xxxii), ‘Trade, Shipping and Ports in the Indian Ocean’ (29-45), ‘Karachi/Qasim’ (81-98) ‘Nheva Sheva and the Jawaharlal Nehru Trust’ (99-117) ‘Mundra and the Adani Ports’ (119-138) ‘Colombo. South Asia’s Transshipment Hub’ (171-192) ‘Madras/Chennai Port’ (193-203) ‘Calcutta/Kolkata Port’ (205-220), ‘Chittagong/Chattogram Port’ (247-260) ‘Sonadia, Matarbari and the Search for a Deepwater port’ (261-270), ‘Yangon and Thilawa’ (271-285), (with M van der Heijden) ‘Sittwe, Kyaukphyu and Dwaei. Three Ports to Somewhere Else’ (287-300), ‘Final Reflections’ (317-322) in R.T. Griffiths, China and the Ports of the Indian Ocean, Leiden, 2022